Q: How to make a public roadmap?

Just create a Roadly account (for free) and create your first roadmap.

Q: How to share a public roadmap with customers?

Each roadmap has its own unique url which is impossible to guess. For example, the Office Demo roadmap url is: https://roadly.io/roadmap.aspx?RoadmapGuid=4d99a54a-a28c-4746-9eed-d845df63fba9. How to share this Url is totally up to you, for example, you can share the url via your company web page, via email etc.

Q: Is it possible to embeed the roadmap into a company's web page?

Yes, you can embeed the roadmap into your web page using an 'iframe'.

Q: What are the limits in using a free account?

Currently, there are no limits. You can create unlimited roadmaps with unlimited features.

Q: We do not want to share features 'under consideration' yet, is it possible to hide this from the external users?

Yes, you can disable this feature. In this case, the public roadmap will only contain features 'In Development' and 'Launched'. For internal users, features 'under consideration' are still visible.

Q: How to validate my account?

Confirm your acount by clicking the link in your email. If the validation token already expired, you can use Forgott password to validate your account.